Risk Management

Due Diligence

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Risk Management Strategies

At APF, we seek to qualify and quantify the opportunities that companies consider each day. We provide the analysis to evaluate the transaction, counter party(s) and other factors. Our focus is on information that is timely, comprehensive and relevant to support our clients’ goals. It is critical that nonfinancial risks are not forgotten in the review. We perform Due Diligence through an Asset’s entire life cycle and on Counterparties.

Based on a sold background, the proper structure will transform the opportunity presented into a reality. But still the structure must be accepted and adhered to by all parties. This includes terms, pricing, closing and other factors.

Once the completed, the relationship or transaction must be continually monitored and evaluated. APF has the expertise to continually monitor transactions, count parties and other entities as needed.

Fraud Prevention

APF Advisory Services provides a comprehensive system for managing fraud risk. 

Fraud Resolution

APF Advisory Services provides comprehensive services to manage fraud resolution from beginning to end. We are a firm that understands the nature and resolution of fraud.  APF will provide your firm with the ability to deliver evidence and a complete criminal report to law enforcement for the prosecution of the perpetrators.